Vikings – it is a word that conjures images of muscle-bound warriors clutching double-sided axes on long wooden boats. But when the word is used, chances are, the idea of Scotch whiskey doesn’t pop into your head.
Highland Park Distillery wants to change that.
This Orkney Islands-based distillery touts the region’s Vikin
Highland Park distillery is located way, way, way up north, higher than the tippy-top of Scotland. It’s in the town of Kirkwall, which is found on the Orkney Islands. Highland Park scotches are identifiable and iconic because all their whiskies have a Viking theme. This is reflected in the design of the label of each bottle.
There’s a good reason for that branding. The Orkney Islands, where the
Scotch newbies and youngsters, you’re in the right place to seek out the best Scotch for beginners. Ready to learn the smoky ropes? We’ve brought along some Scotch enthusiasts, and they know their stuff.
Stick around to hang out with Dr. Stephen Estner @scotch_doc, Chris @singlemaltsavvy
It’s all about Scotch for beginners on this National Scotch Day! We’re excited to welcome some new kids to the Scotch block. Maybe you’ve been shaking in your whiskey boots for a while. You’ve been staring down the bottles in your local liquor store, wondering about the best beginner’s Scotch. We’ve been there before. So we’re here to offer some advice.
You think that you want to start drinking scotch, but you don’t know where to start, really. You probably have knocked back a few whiskeys and bourbons with your friends in the past, and you want to invest in a bottle for home. You’ve been told that scotch is good, but you have no idea where to start.
You’re in the right place! This article is just for you!
A room-temperature beverage with a golden hue sits on the shelf. You stare at it as you nurse your drink at the bar, nervous to begin your Scotch-tasting journey. It is in a decorative bottle that makes the liquid appear even more delicious than you’ve already heard it is. You look at the bottle, and on the side is a list of aromas, notes, and a little history l
What makes scotch, scotch? How is it different from other whiskeys, such as Irish and Canadian whiskeys or bourbon?
The main difference between whiskey and scotch is mostly geographic. That is to say, most scotches are whiskeys, but not all whiskeys are scotch. There are also some spelling and ingredient differences. Scotch is a whisky (with no “e”) made in Scotland. And bourbon, for example, is
Ever had to stand in the liquor store, wishing there was a simple guide to Scotch that could take you to the next level? Maybe you’re new and want to learn more. Perhaps you’re a seasoned Scotch drinker, but you’re looking to nudge newbies in the right direction. Whatever the case, we’ll help you discover more about this outstanding liquor today.
Wyoming Whiskey is the first legal distillery in Wyoming, founded in 2009 by Brad and Kate Mead and David DeFazio. Brad and Kate spend most of their time running their two ranches. So when they wanted to open a distillery, they turned to David Defazio to actually get it done for them.
Austin, Texas is known for a great selection of bars, restaurants, breweries, and distilleries. If you are a fan of whiskey and bourbon, do you know where to go in Austin? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! We’ve picked out 12 of the best Bourbon Bars to haunt while you are in town.
Our list is current as of October 2022—a lot of other information on Google is outdated, and many bars closed